See the report with 99.9% clinician agreement1
Zio patient report
Easy navigation, rich summary, and AI-generated interpretations give clinicians the confidence to make an accurate diagnosis.

Reporting - Zio® by iRhythm UK
- The Zio patient report cover page provides a snapshot of actionable and clinically significant findings. The upper right corner of the report details the wear time and the total analyzable time with artifacts removed.
- Sample strips are arranged in order of clinical significance with additional at-a-glance information such as duration, episodes, and burdens.
- Navigate with one click from the cover page to any of the report sections for more details. Download the report for full experience.
- The Zio Preliminary Findings are generated by a machine learned algorithm and each report is then validated by Certified Cardiographic Physiologists.
- Source: Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2019