The only report with
99% physician
The Zio patient report cover page provides a snapshot of actionable and clinically significant findings. The upper-right corner of the report details the wear time and the total analyzable time with artifacts removed.
Sample strips are arranged in order of clinical significance with additional at-a-glance information such as duration, episodes, and burdens.
Navigate with one click from the cover page to any of the report sections for more details. Download the report for full experience.
The Zio Preliminary Findings are generated by an FDA-cleared deep learned algorithm and each report is then validated by Certified Cardiographic Technicians (CCT).1,2,3,4
Get a complete sample Zio Patient Report
Best-in-class deep learned algorithm.
4 million+
patient records5
1 billion+ hours
of heart
rhythm data
deep learned
Detects 13+ types
of arrhythmias1,2,3,4
As elegant and easy to navigate as it is powerful.
The Zio report provides you with a rich summary of the most important cardiac events right on the first page — and an easy-to-navigate deep dive for all the intricate details captured.
It’s also available at your fingertips on the ZioSuite mobile app.
“We’ve had a tremendous yield of data from the monitor we use, but what’s important to us is patients don’t mind wearing the monitor.”
Daniel Bensimhon, MD
Cardiologist, specializing in heart failure
Greensboro, NC
“Zio reports are accurate and succinct – they save me time when I’m reading and entering the report into the EMR.”
John Rogers MD, FACC, FHRS
Co-Chairman of the Scripps Institute Cardiology Program
Co-Chair, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases
Director, Cardiac Pacing and Tachyarrhythmia Device Therapy
Scripps Health (La Jolla, CA)
Let’s talk
- Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2020.
Hannun, AY., et al. Cardiologist-level arrhythmia detection and classification in ambulatory electrocardiograms using a deep neural network. Nature Medicine, 2019.
Deep learned algorithm is only available in the United States.
- FDA 510K clearance.
- iRhythm Technologies, 2020. Form 10-K 2019. Retrieved from